World Cup 2014: How much do the FIFA will make?

FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil is by far the biggest sport tournament on this universe, taking place every four years. According to Forbes, 2014 world cup will make 66% more in revenue ($4 Billion) compared to the previous world cup 2010 in South Africa.

FIFA World Cup 2014 Revenue Stats
TV Rights $1.7 Billion BBC, ITV, ESPN, CBC and other worldwide TV channels.
Marketing Revenue $1.4 billion Coca Cola, Adidas, Visa, Sony, Emirates, Hyundai etc.
Miscellaneous Rights $900 million EA Sports Game, Merchandise sale and other stuff.
Total Revenue $4 billion FIFA is on the verge of making 66% more revenue in 2014 than 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

So the question is – how and where the BIG money is coming from? And how exactly it works? Let’s take a look at below diagram from, explaining how much FIFA will make the revenue.

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Revenue Generation from TV Broadcasting Rights Sale:

In this World Cup 2014 “FIFA” will generate a record in the region of $1.7 billion from tv revenue. Most TV channels has paid massive amount of money to broadcasting rights. In United States, “ESPN” paid $100 million for 2010 and 2014 world cup. While “Fox Sports” reportedly paid a huge $400 to $500 million for the next two FIFA World Cup 2018 (Russia) and 2022 (Qatar).

Revenue Generation from Marketing:

In terms of marketing FIFA world Cup 2014, it’s reported that FIFA will be generating around $1.4 billion in revenue for their official sponsorships.

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